Monday, 8 September 2014

Rest day at the Gym AKA sheiko week 2 day 1

"Never go full retard" - Robert Downy Jr.  Tropic Thunder.

So I went full retard today.  Rest day's are for pussies after all.  Since I can't work my quads I thought two days off would be too much and jumped forward a day.  I guess yesterday wasn't a rest day either now I come to think of it.  I picked up some Magnum Opus (buy one get one free at Popeyes) and could not wait to try it out.  I have a strong feeling it is the Agmatine in the Dr Jeckyll which is interfering with my Wellbutrin and making me feel like I am going to die (so I may shelve this stuff for a while).

(Dr Jeckyll ingredients)

When I explained to Scotty D I couldn't squat all week he looked at me and laughed saying "oh yeah cool, just bodybuilding stuff eh?  Leg extension and leg press, cool!" He then winked and went off to curl some 70lb'ers

Anyhow, did some close grip benching.  Was supposed to have five doubles at 205lbs but I took the fifth to 225lbs and then did a heavy single at 245lbs.  The power off the chest is pretty kickass with a narrow grip, could be that Ben Downs is on to something?  I don't seem to have the uneven descent and lockout with a close grip either.  I only got a little bit of bicep pain and only on the last two sets on the left side.  Even for a thumbs up from James who is a pretty stern critic of my bench press uneven form. (Note to self, am using thumbs to knurling or plus one inch).  

Most of Poirier's Warriors were at the gym tonight and since Monday is global bench press day the one bench was in pretty high demand.  

Reception for my super tight pants was favourable as always and I got the usual compliments about my balerina legs.  Coach Vic ain't got nothing on my tight pant and short shorts game.

Hit some Tricep rope press downs instead of the French Press (which is how I make my coffee).

I have been hitting these pretty hard and hit a new PR of 82.5lbs for 5.  I am fairly sure I was pussing around with 42.5 not very long ago.  

Skipped the flies since I did a pile of pec deck yesterday when I should have been resting.  Wanged out two set of 20 GHR like A boss.

Finally three sets of 8 on the world's wobbliest hyperextenaion machine.  Used a black band and a 25 then worked up to a 35lb behind the head with no band.  I love this exercise, nothing gives my erector spinae wood like these.

Tomorrow is a rest day, hopefully I can actually sleep tonight.  But first I need to get some work done tonight. 

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