"Robert! Put some tiger balm on it and go see the Hilot" - Vida Venzon
So my quads are literally dying. I can't get out of bed or off the can without wincing. Since I will try any kind of Gypsy Monkey Magic bullshit remedy, I am currently wearing kinesiology tape (in fact this was the reason I wasn't working out in short the other day to avoid being laughed at). Going to try the hot/cold ice pack rotation today and see if this helps. Bottom line - no quad work this week.
In other news my Seasonal Affective Dissorder meds don't seem to like my pre-workout and I spent a miserable evening last night jerking awake every five minutes with heart palpitations. Perhaps I will go down to just one scoop of Dr Jeckyll? To cut a long story short I ended up at McDonalds at 2am eating Poutine, McFlurry and a McDouble. Let's hope I get some McGains out of this!
Dips have been hurting my shoulders so I plan to reintroduce weighted ring dips, these are killers (is that hair on her quads?)
Found some interesting reading today on a Reddit link of people accusing Rich Froning of using PEDs: (pretty surprising how quickly some of these clear the system). Reminds me of something Mark Bell said recently - "there are drug tested federations, but this doesn't mean they are drug free".
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